Dental Implants in San Jose, CA

Dental Implants: A Modern Solution for Missing Teeth

Many people experience the challenges of missing teeth, impacting both their smile's appearance and their ability to eat and speak comfortably. This condition affects approximately 30 million individuals living without natural teeth in one or both jaws. Fortunately, advancements in tooth replacement, including dental implants, have transformed dental care. In San Jose, CA, dental implants offer a revolutionary solution, building upon the evolution of tooth replacement surgery that began with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Mayans. Today, dental implants, with over 3 million individuals benefiting from them, continue to grow in popularity, embodying a rich history of innovation in restoring missing teeth.

Understanding Dental Implants: Are You a Candidate?

Dental implants are small, biocompatible titanium posts surgically placed in the jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. Unlike dentures or bridges, implants fuse with the jawbone over time, providing a strong foundation for a variety of restorations, including crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures.

Signs You Might Need Dental Implants:

  • Missing one or multiple teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking clearly
  • Ill-fitting dentures causing discomfort
  • Desire for a permanent and natural-looking tooth replacement

The Dental Implant Procedure:

The dental implant procedure typically involves two phases. In the first phase, the implant post is surgically placed in the jawbone. During the healing period, the bone integrates with the implant, creating a strong foundation. In the second phase, an abutment is attached to the implant, and finally, a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture is secured on the abutment.

Facts About Dental Implants:

  • Dental implants boast a very high success rate; with proper care, they can last a lifetime.
  • Modern titanium implant technology offers excellent biocompatibility, minimizing the risk of rejection.
  • Dental implants are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement due to their long-term durability and functionality.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

While dentures and bridges offer solutions for missing teeth, they often come with limitations. Dentures can slip or become loose, causing discomfort while eating or speaking. Bridges require altering healthy teeth to support the restoration. Dental implants in San Jose, CA, offer several compelling advantages:

  • Improved Function: Dental implants function similarly to natural teeth, allowing you to eat your favorite foods with confidence.
  • Enhanced Appearance: Implants support natural-looking crowns that blend seamlessly with your remaining teeth.
  • Boosted Confidence: A complete and beautiful smile can significantly improve your self-esteem and overall quality of life.
  • Long-Term Solution: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, eliminating the need for future replacements.

Discover a Lasting Smile with Arbor Dental Group

At Arbor Dental Group, our team of dentists in San Jose, CA, is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal oral health. We offer comprehensive consultations to determine if dental implants are the right solution for you. Our compassionate dentists utilize advanced techniques and technology to ensure a comfortable and successful implant placement procedure.

Contact Arbor Dental Group today to schedule a consultation and discuss how dental implants can restore your smile and improve your quality of life. Let our team help you rediscover the confidence and joy of a complete and healthy smile.

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